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Progressio International Organization


An excellent relation of partnership with Progressio International Organization connects us since the very beginning of work in Aden in November 2003 where we participated in the training program to develop the capacity of civil society organizations in the governorate of Aden.This relationship was deeply rooted after the success of the project submitted by the association in the field of development of community capacity in Alkhaisa region, as that is consistent with the trends that Progressio aimed to achieve and develop the capacities of local communities.Based on the opinion of development worker of Progressio organization on the necessity of identifying the community needs by using quick search methods, we prepared a field study in 2006 to determine the needs of the community in the area Alkhaisa region in Al-Braiqa district with participation of the organization mentioned above . In 2009, the data of the study updated and rearranged according to needs priority by using quick search methods. The local authority in Al-Braiqa distric, members of local community in Alkhaisa and our association ( Atadhmon ) prepared a participatory plan for development in Alkhaisa. Unfortunately no response in the execution of the planned projects in partnership with the local authority to date (May 2011).- During the years 2009 – 2011 we implemented the project of popular participation in the local authority with participation of Progressio. The project aims to develop the capacity of partners to be aware of the importance of popular participation in decision-taking in the development process.-During the years 2007 – 2011 , under the umbrella of Atadhamon Development Association, a program for developing the capacity of eight civil society partners was executed in Aden governorate with participation of Progressio organization. The program was in the field of establishment works.

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