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Our Objectives


Sub-goals of the Association


  1. Developing the capacity and skills of young people, women, poor families in the society and refugees to invest it in activities that sprinkle income to convert the target audiences from recipients for the services to owners of skills. This attitude empowers them to be they self-reliant in providing a source of livelihood and extend it to others.

  2. Raising awareness of the importance of popular participation in the overall development process

  3. Creating social awareness of the importance of women’s participation in public life.

  4. Development the direction of the productive value of social behavior in families

  5. Providing a permanence mechanism for the disposal of products collected from targeted women.

  6. Reinforcing the partnership between civil society organizations and the local community and the local authority.

  7. Developing capacity and raising the spirit of popular participation in the development process to bring about sustainable development.

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